Thursday, April 17, 2014

Egg Hunt At Ritchie Park Postponed Until Saturday April 19th

Egg Hunt Postponed Due to Rain

It seems Friday is threatening to have 'light showers' all day. So please join us on Saturday April 19th at 2pm for the egg hunt. Come on out to enjoy the egg hunt, and the sunshine!

If some parents can come at 1:45 to help me hide the eggs that would be great.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Easter Egg Hunt
At Ritchie Park!

Come join us on
Friday April 18th at 2 pm (Good Friday)
(rain date Saturday April 19th at 2 pm)

They can hunt for peanut free chocolate treats stuffed inside plastic eggs.

I also have an Easter Egg piƱata just looking for a bashing!

And they can decorate and wear bunny masks!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

We’ll have a separate egg hunt section for the 3 and under crowd so no worries about your little one getting trampled by overzealous chocolate hunters.

What Can I Contribute?
Feel free to bring any treats or drinks on the day of the event. 

How Can I Help?
Any parent who can help me set up, please meet at the park by 1:45. I need a few parents to hide the eggs.

I Have A Question.
contact Lillian at