Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Park meeting - July 11th 6:30pm

If you can please come to a meeting tonight to address latest parkette-related concerns. See the note from Gord Perks' office below.


I spoke our Parks Manager Ray Stukas this morning regarding some concerns he has received about changes they are planning for the walkway. Currently, new sand is being put in and an additional swing is being added, but it is my understanding that this has moved the walkway slightly to meet required distances to stay within CSA standards for playgrounds.

As the Parks crew is currently onsite, Parks thought that due to concerns it would be a good idea to hold a meeting tonight at 6:30 in Ritchie Parkette to discuss ways to implement the walkway and additional swings while mitigating the loss of open space (other issues and improvements will be discussed at the next community visioning meetings). While this is short notice, in my conversation with Ray he stated this should help ensure the work is completed earlier in the summer and not be bumped back until a later date.

So, if everyone could knock on their neighbours' door or give you friends in the area a call about the Parks meeting tonight it would be appreciated.

See you tonight,

-Michael Butler

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Squeaky Wheel!

Ritchie Park is now under construction!

Construction has begun in earnest.
Sadly, it's closed until all complete, but hopefully we won't have to wait too long